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So Sensitive is a space to reframe and engage with your emotional intelligence in an inclusive and wholistic way. Let's redefine sensitive and emotions as being an integral ingredient of our overall health.
Think back a little and consider where your emotional education has come from? Did you take a class at some point? Maybe you had a mentor who was dedicated to leading by example what healthy emotional engagement looked like.
For many of us, the answer is no to those questions. We've been learning as we go through experiences as well as from all of the messaging out there in society about emotions, and all of that is on top of our neurological wiring from our formative years as children.
We've been on our own in the arena of our own emotions, which in many ways leaves us underdeveloped and as a result we are leaving so much of our own potential on the table. We are woefully under-supported and under-resourced whenever emotions are excluded from our existence.
Frameworks that position emotions as purposeful and meaningful contributors of key information to our intelligence, therefore recognizing them as vital resources necessary for life, are few and far between.
Hold up. Have you ever heard that before?? That emotions are not only necessary, but helpful, even dare we say vital to our overall wellbeing and to our lives. A pretty radical stance.
Consider the potential improvement to the quality of our lives if we embraced an aspect of who we are, because it's already inside our own design!
The time has passed for emotions to remain undiscovered, unexamined and unintegrated aspects of ourselves. Dynamic Emotional Integration® founded by Karla McLaren M.Ed, is one of those rare models that contributes information and teaching as well as action engaging exercises to engage with each specific emotion.
The depth and richness of this body of work is inclusive to all emotions, empathic and stands interpreter to the language of emotions themselves. The light brought to this intrinsic wisdom we all hold inside us, really holds a massive potential for change in everything we think we know and feel about emotions.
Information without avenues to build skills and proficiency, and action plans without learning and growth of skills equally fall short when you're looking for real change in either how you engage with emotions or your overall life as a result of that new engagement.
Both of those transformations are possible within the premise and empathic approach of the Dynamic Emotional Integration® model.
If you feel you're being called to understand your emotions or your typical emotion avoidance methods are no longer working, something inside you is calling for a change and becoming familiar with this work and utilizing it in your everyday life has the potential to change everything.
The 4 emotion families are like food groups; You need them all for optimal nutrition.
This site provides general educational and informational resources on emotions. It is not a substitute for professional mental health support and does not claim to diagnose or replace the need for mental health treatment or medications. Speak to your doctor prior to making any medical decisions or changes to your health care plan.
Please reach out to your healthcare team or health hotlines in times of crisis for urgent care needs.
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